Multi-site exists in a variety of ways, HR executives may need to manage several large teams on a single site or in multiple locations, different cities, countries and even continents. Employees can also be versatile and therefore work in different locations from one day to the next depending on the scenarios that arise. All of these situations are unique and can easily turn into a real headache if good organizational practices are not put in place. We therefore share with you the secrets of optimal management of your teams, no matter where they are located!
The first one to address is the lack of human interaction: how to motivate and support workers while not being on the field with them? The catch is to not understand their situation and their needs, and they therefore can feel demotivated and out of touch with the management team.
There is also the risk of not having the right information at hand, such as knowing the qualifications and availability of all the employees. This can lead to mistakes being made when creating schedules, for example, and then slowing down operational processes.
Your work is also complicated if all units don't have the same collective agreements or health and safety rules, a misunderstanding between two sites can quickly turn into a major problem!
In the end, all these challenges take root in one place: communication. It must be clear, simple and reach out to all team members. Sounds like an overwhelming project? No problem, we only have solutions!
Our advice
Even with all the goodwill in the world, you can't manage everything remotely, you need a designated person at each site who will communicate with you and the other human resources managers. Micromanaging takes time and energy, you will do yourself a favor by allowing the supervisor to manage the day-to-day problems that occur in the field. Your team will be more autonomous and you will reinforce the climate of trust, which can certainly be beneficial for the long-term success of your company.
Delegating certain tasks is a good start, but remember to keep in touch with the members of each division. Depending on the logistics, you can go on site or organize regular Zoom or Skype conferences, more convenient, and you can talk to all the supervisors at the same time if the time zone allows it. This will reduce the psychological distance by being aware of what's going on, making sure that all teams have everything they need and, most importantly, that they are on the same page.
For your employees to have all the same information there is only one word: standardization. If employees have to work today at location A and the next day at location B, the rules must be the same so that employees feel comfortable and are efficient no matter where they work. Make sure that all managers have the same documentation of procedures and that they follow them. Communication between you and supervisors will be smoother and there will be fewer misunderstandings. Good communication is a big part of a company's success.
For all groups to be easily moving in the same direction and following the same rules, the solution is to centralize data on the same digital platform. It must be accessible to all members of the organization so it's easier to keep an eye on everyone's activities and to transmit communications clearly and quickly to each branch. It also prevents technological boondoggles, for example, if the Toronto office does not use the same platform as the Budapest office, operations will be slowed down and both offices will have to adapt to each other's technology, which represents a totally counterproductive double workload.
For the platform to be fully optimal, make sure it is based on automation: does the same process for replacing an employee apply to all sites? Are all schedules created in the same way? Why waste time configuring each location separately and by hand when an artificial intelligence can set everything up in no time! The tool you choose is designed to make your life easier by adapting to your reality, not the other way around.
Apply these recommendations one step at a time, take the time to get informed and establish a strategy adapted to your needs and multi-site management will no longer hold any secrets for you!